How Will Android 11 Features Impact Your Mobile Application?

464 views 10:16 am 0 Comments February 19, 2023

Android is a widely used Operating system today. It has become a common platform for developers. Various mobile applications are created for Android specifically. With every update,Guest Posting Google is constantly improving and adding new features. Android 10 was a success. It changed the application’s permission front and introduced the dark mode. With the launch of Android 11, more features and updates are expected.

The complete build of Android 11 has not been revealed yet, but we do have a preview of what the features would likely be. With every update, developers get more options to add unique features and create some unusual mobile applications. This release can prove to be a game-changer for mobile applications. You need the right team of developers to create some extraordinary applications. Before diving into how Android 11 would affect mobile applications, let’ see what does this update offer.

Android 11 Features

Improvements in Messaging

With the new release, the user’s experience with messaging is going to change. A number of features have been introduced for messaging applications.

Chat Bubbles have been introduced where all the continuing texts or conversations will be hidden in small bubbles at the side of the screen. If you wish to see a message, you need to click on the bubble to open it.

In the notifications panel, a conversation section is created to provide you real-time messages where you can find all the conversations you are having at that time. Also, you will be able to send images while replying to a message from the notification bar.

Built-in Screen Recorder

Now, it’s not necessary that people use screen-recorders every day. The usage requirements vary from user to user. But, this is one such feature everyone has been waiting for. The built-in screen recorder comes with a UI and a toggle for recording audio as well as touches in the video.

Privacy and Security

With Android 11, Google has increased the security measures for your mobile. The updated emphasis to provide you with more privacy and safety, regarding your data and information.

Permission every time

At present, we provide permission to applications in the beginning. The application has the required permissions all the time. But, with Android 11 this has changed. We have a lot more control over mobile applications we usually did. As a user, you can provide permission to an app just one time. So, you grant permission on a one-time basis. The next time you run the app, you will be asked again to grant the permission.

5G Preparation

Last year we had heard how technology was advancing to bring in 5G internet service. With Covid-19. There has been an increased need for 5G technology. Android 11 brings to you ‘Dynamic Meteredness API’. This API would let users full benefits on the smartphones that 5G brings. When the API recognises the 5G connection, it will stream videos and load graphics in high quality.

Adjusting to different screens

Foldable device is a revolutionary invention in the world of smartphones. With Android 11, developers don’t have to worry about such devices. Any mobile application will run smoothly in a foldable device through the OS 11.

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